We’ve been building relationships and helping developers build their vision for over 15 years.

Our approach is simple. We understand risk and the marketplace, and know how to deliver financing that creates value for the developer, and security to all parties involved. We make it happen in your time frame. Find out more about our team members below.




If there’s a solution to be found, he’ll find it. He’s proud of this business and of being a part of your project, and he strives to make sure that you feel like we’ve got your back each time. It doesn’t matter how complex the concept, or if it’s ever been done before, he’s on your team, and will work with you to make sure things get done the best way possible. 15 years and three insurers later, he’s happy to now build a company around his way of doing business: Timely, Trusted and Tailored. That’s Westmount Guarantee.

T 647.499.8249 x 201



Tom Reeves


 Since enabling legislation allowing access to deposit funds was enacted in 2005 Tom has been providing you with simple, custom, solutions for your project needs throughout Western Canada. As the business gets larger and more complex, Tom is proud to bring Westmount Guarantee to the West - Westmount West - to turn complex into simple and lengthy into timely. Tom will work with you to get things done, just the way you want it. Like any driver knows, it’s good to have a team that is strong under the hood: Timely, Trusted and Tailored. That’s Westmount Guarantee - now in the West, as Westmount West.

T 604.229. 9828 x 102




Abdul Waheed

Manager, Developer Solutions

With Abdul, expect no preconceived notions of how things used to be done; look forward to smart, fresh ideas as to how they can be done. Abdul has had years of experience in providing solutions with Westmount for developers throughout Ontario. Fortunately for us, he fell in love with a girl from the West, where he now calls home. When it comes to finding ways to best use your deposits in your project, his aim is true.

T 604.229. 9828 x 103




Uppkar Dosanjh

Senior Underwriter, Developer Solutions

Uppkar knows how to get the funds from your trust account to your bank account. After 15 years and a couple of insurers later, if she hasn’t organized your project funding yet, she will soon. With Uppkar if it’s important to you, she’ll make sure that it’s important to her, as she recommends the perfect solution.

T 604.229.9828 x 104




Andrew Thelen

Senior Underwriter, Developer Solutions

Having started out with Westmount’s sister company - National Home Warranty - in 2010, Andrew has seen the industry through a couple of different lenses and has grown professionally, as has the utilization, of purchaser deposits in the West. Now as a seasoned underwriter, you can rely on him to act immediately and efficiently to keep your deposits working for you like Swiss clockwork. When the pressure rises, its Andrew time!

T 604.229.9828 x 105





Branch Manager

Sticks don’t work for Astro, he needs to manage the whole branch! “What are we doing and why aren’t we doing it yet?” With Astro there’s no time like the present to get out there and be active. In a sense, he’s our spirit animal – inspiring us to do things now, not tomorrow and to never rest when there’s stuff to be done.  Astro reminds us that every day is full of opportunities.